Sandy Bunn

Rather than bore you with details
of my credentials, degree qualifications
and industry experience, I’d rather let

my portfolio show you what I’m capable of.


You’ll find examples of my work,
customers I’ve collaborated with, client testimonials and industries I’ve designed for.



What you really need to know about me...

If ever I’m lucky enough to work with you, there are a few things you need to know about me.

Firstly, I have an addictive dependence on collaboration. I need your collaboration in order to get my best designing performance and ultimately, the highest creative potential for your project. In fact, it’s more than an addiction; it’s a vital need – just like air through the nostrils of my pugs during a deep sigh. It takes two to tango so in the words of David Bowie – Let’s Dance.

Secondly, I’m not your typical
order-taking, high-charging,
pay-by-the-minute, mindless-clicking designer that’s only concerned with alignment and pretty things. Substance is EVERYTHING in my designs so if this means a slightly left-of-center element for the gain of more meaningful context, then that’s what I’ll be pushing for.

Congratulations for making it this far!
I’m so thankful that you’ve taken the time to get to know a bit about me in your busy schedule. If you feel my services could be of any help to your day, please get in  touch.



Need to suss me out more? This might help...

INDUSTRIES: Technology, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, fashion, beauty, start-ups, consultancies, hospitality, weddings, corporate professional services

QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Communication Design, Applied Design (Certificate IV), Multimedia (Certificate II)

INSPIRATION: Nature, cosmos, sacred geometry, street art, illusions, traveling, psychology, heart-brain, spirituality...

MANTRA: ‘Believing is seeing’

CHARITY: Saffron on the Hill (dog rescue)

ALTER EGO: Cassandra (Wayne’s World)

MOVIE: The Fifth Element

BOOK: A New Earth



SUPERHERO: Captain Planet

COLOUR: Rainbow

MUSIC: Easy Star All-Stars

LOVES: My son’s smiles and giggles, walks with my Pugs, eating together, meditation, massages and a good belly laugh


So, think we could collaborate together?


SOL Creative © 2017  |  |  (+61) 413 336 029